CHIJ Sec 1 Arts ChaTting COrNer

Re: SOVA - Art Critique

Dear All,

I am rather suprise to find out that there are still some of you who still don't get the slightest idea what to do with the sculpture or portraits.

This shows that either you are not paying attention in class or just can't be bothered with what I had gone through during my lesson.

To clarify all this doubts, please look and read the slides which i had already hosted in this blog on SOVA! Look under 'Recent Post' for the slides.

For those who DON'T UNDERSTAND what SOVA is. SOVA is basically about "ART CRITIQUE"!
In order for you to critique, you need to use a technique/approach. I had taught you one of the simplest approach which is the 'FELDMAN's APPROACH'(D.A.I.E). D - Describe, A - Analyse, I - Interpret, E - Evaluate. AGAIN... please look and study the slides on SOVA which i had posted on this blog!

In Feldman's Approach, you need to know the elements and principle of design by hard in order to use it to ANALYSE and INTERPRET the artwork.

For those who still don't understand, please look for me during recess or my lesson and i will explain to you again!




MuZiq COrneR